Hello World!

April 18, 2008

Welcome to my personal blog.

I have been meaning to start a blog ever since I made up my mind to buy a domain, but since things aren’t working out, I think I will start it here, and copy whatever entries I have here later on…

This blog will be about everything I find interesting, starting from Business administration in IT, web development and design, politics and local as well as international news. I hope anyone who reads it enjoys it as much as I enjoy writing it…which I hope I will :D.

Now regarding the Hello World! sentence I started my blog with, I read in a book once, I think it was Java: How to Program by Deitel and Deitel, that it was first mentioned in an internal memorandum at Bell Labs back in the 70’s.

To those of you who are non-programmers, the term ‘hello world’ is seen as a first example in most programming languages tutorials or books.

Thats all for tonight, thanx for dropping by
